The large number of OER can make it difficult to find relevant and high-quality learning materials. That is why the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) and the Saxion library have compiled top 10s of OER on common subjects. The top 10s are intended to inspire and motivate you: to show you what valuable OER are available and can be used in your education (see page Adapt).
Looking for more/other OER? Then take a look at the LibGuide OER of Saxion Library, search yourself (for example via OASIS), or get help from Saxion Library. Do you have tips for OER or comments about the top 10? Let us know! Mail to
Image | Title | Outline | Type |
![]() | Professional Communication | This Open Education Resource (OER), developed by Olds College in collaboration with the Government of Alberta, is a series of modules intended for use in Higher Education courses or by independent learners. Titled ‘Professional Communication’ the resource will be useful for instructors whose courses cover introductory communication skills, workplace communication, technical communication or business writing. | OpenCourseWare |
![]() | Introduction to Professional Communication | No matter what your field is, having professional communication skills are essential to success in today's workplace. This book covers key business communications topics that will help you in your career, including intercultural communication, team work, professional writing, audience analysis and adapting messages, document formatting, oral communication, and more. | Open Textbook |
![]() | Beter schrijven | Iedereen die studeert in het hoger onderwijs moet veel teksten schrijven. Hoe schrijf je een foutloze, prettig leesbare, goed gestructureerde tekst in de juiste stijl? In deze cursus doorloop je stap voor stap alle fases van het schrijfproces; van brainstormfase tot de eindredactie van je tekst. Op die manier leer je gestructureerd en efficiënt werken en kun je je steeds op een aspect van het schrijven concentreren. In zes modules werk je aan een schrijfopdracht die je steeds verder uitwerkt. Daarbij oefen je in een interactieve omgeving, waarin ruimte is voor zelfevaluatie en voor peer feedback op elkaars schrijfproducten. | MOOC |
![]() | Basic Reading and Writing | Basic Reading and Writing builds a solid foundation around core aspects of the writing process: critical reading; methodical writing; research and documentation; practical grammar and punctuation. An optional module introduces core principles for college success that help students understand and develop good habits to improve their performance in this and other college courses. As the first in a three-course sequence that culminates in Composition I (college-level composition), Basic Reading and Writing focuses on helping students identify and apply foundational concepts and skills in reading and writing. Course content may be used for standard instruction or diagnostically to discover and address gaps in student understanding/skill. | Open Course |
![]() | Exploring public speaking | In fifteen chapters the authors have attempted to address all the major concerns, issues, and material that an introductory, freshmen-level public speaking course involves. Beginning with the value of public speaking to one's life and overcoming public speaking anxiety, the subsequent chapters cover listening and audience analysis; plagiarism and ethics; invention and thesis development; research; organization; introductions, conclusions, and transitions; supporting material; delivery; visual aids; language choices; informative speaking; persuasive speaking; logic and fallacies; and special occasion speeches. | Open Textbook |
![]() | Principles of Public Speaking | In Principles of Public Speaking, students learn how to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations, with an emphasis on informative and persuasive public speaking. The course introduces important elements of successful presentations including effective listening, presentation organization, and logical structure; informative and persuasive speech; use of visual aids, research, and evidence; ethical considerations; and techniques for building confidence in public speaking. | Open Course |
![]() | Self Study English for Dutch Students | This is a course for Dutch (Bachelor) students who need or want to pay some extra attention to their English language skills. In this course you will find four modules with theory and exercises on Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing. We will also give you links to useful websites. Both modules and websites can be found in the blue menu on the left. We strongly recommend that you do not try to do this course in as short a time as possible: learning skills takes time, so you will benefit optimally from the course if you spend weeks, rather than days on it. | OpenCourseWare |
![]() | Business Communication for Success | Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor. | Open Textbook |
![]() | Communication in the Real World: an Introduction to Communication Studies | Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies overviews the time-tested conceptual foundations of the field, while incorporating the latest research and cutting-edge applications of these basics. Each chapter will include timely, concrete, and real-life examples of communication concepts in action. | Open Textbook |
![]() | Frameworks for Academic Writing | Aimed at beginning college writers, this book is also useful for ESL, developmental, and "bridge" writers (high school to college), as well as for advanced writers. It is unique: very prescriptive for weak writers but "hands off" for advanced writers, self-paced, both teacher and student friendly, adaptable across the curriculum, and presented in question format. It is step-by-step for stronger writers but sentence-by-sentence for beginners. | Open Textbook |