The School of Health (AGZ) is involved in the national community ‘Samen hbo verpleegkunde’ (Together hbo nursing) which is supported by the ‘Stimuleringsregeling Open en Online Onderwijs‘. The ambition of this project is to increase the quality of education by making high-quality learning materials available.

Five institutes have previously set up the Wikiwijs platform to share and reuse OER within the nursing domain. This has been expanded in the recent period so that the nursing programmes of all 17 Universities of Applied Sciences can share and reuse materials. This is all in consultation with the ‘Landelijke Overleg Opleidingen Verpleegkunde’ (LOOV).

An active professional community is required in order to keep the learning materials platform up to date, to collaboratively develop learning materials with colleagues from other Universities of Applied Sciences, and to promote sharing and reuse. To this end, the online community has been set up and embedded in the project.